Friends of Lincoln Elementary School – ALL IN: Lincoln's Casino Night
Auction Ends: Mar 17, 2024 09:00 PM CDT

Buy-In Parties

4/13 Alesma Open Mic Party

Item Number
Buy Now Price
20 USD
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Item Description

Grab your instruments, warm up your vocal chords, and brake out your best dance moves for an Open Mic party! This is open for any Lincoln student, K-8 to perform a musical instrument, dance, sing, spoken word, hula-hooping, bubble blowing, puppetry… anything that makes your heart soar!!!

Acts need to be five minutes or less.

A sign-up sheet will be sent out after the auction closes to designate a performance time-slot.

This is not a drop-off party as an adult needs to attend with a child. Every person attending needs to buy a ticket. Group performances are allowed, but every individual performing must have a ticket. This is due to get an accurate headcount for capacity of the venue.

Snacks and refreshments will be served.


April 13, 2024

Lincoln Park Cultural Center
2045 N Lincoln Park W, Chicago, IL 60614

Hosted by Alesma

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Bronze and Associate